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Page 5

  “You must take Lucian and run, I will hold off Rek for as long as I can but you must keep my grandson safe.”

  “I will.” Etria promised.

  “No!” Lucian interrupted stepping back from the two. “If all you’ve told me is true, if I am to believe what you’ve said, if everything has been taken from me, then I am done running. I will stay and confront my brother.”

  “You cannot possibly face your brother in this form. He will not come here in disguise as Etria has. He will not care who sees him. He will come here only to kill you and will not leave until he has done so. Please Lucian, go with Etria.” Gramps pleaded.

  Before he could give any thought to his grandfather’s request, a loud sound interrupted their conversation. At first it sounded like a jet plane soaring through the air at high speeds. Then it got louder…and closer. The three looked to the sky as did every parent and student in attendance of the event. Suddenly, something large slammed down in the parking lot sending cars flying and causing a large cloud of dirt and debris to fill the air. Etria, Lucian, and Gramps were sent flying and the graduation crowd scattered amidst screams and cries, everyone scrambling to find safety from whatever had just hit the parking lot.

  Chapter 11

  As the dust began to settle, a large figure emerged and headed in their direction. The giant assassin was seven feet in height with skin a ghostly and pale blue. His frame was massive, muscles everywhere and his eyes were as black as the endless void between stars making them hard to see amidst the black war paint band draped around them. He spoke.

  “Ryaal…Show yourself!”

  His bass filled voice thundered. Etria stood and approached the figure.

  ”He has gone. You will not find him here.”

  With lightening speed, he grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground. Seeing this, Connor charged from the stage determined to save the beautiful stranger. Drawing back his fist, Connor approached closer and closer, faster and faster. Without so much as a glance in his direction, Rek swung his massive arm and sent the would-be hero soaring back the way he came and smashing hard into the rows of steel chairs causing them to collapse on top of him. He did not get up.

  “Tell me where he is or die!” Rek’s gravelly voice demanded. Etria clenched her jaw and with a sneer in her lip answered.

  “I’ll tell you nothing!” Etria spoke defiantly and something in her tone caused the assassin to take notice. He pulled her closely and stared deep into her eyes. After a moment, he spoke.

  “Ishra?” He questioned as a sinister smile spread on his face.

  “Is that you?” He asked menacingly as he looked her over from head to toe.

  “How did you do this?” He asked, this time sounding far more serious than with his previous questions.

  “Leave this place Rek, or you will die here.” She answered.

  His face distorted into one of somebody who just tasted something bitter and he returned to his original question.

  “Tell me where my brother is or die.” He demanded.

  “Be careful what you ask for Akirian. For you are nothing more than a spider cowering in the darkness cast by Ryaal’s shadow. Even if he was here, you wouldn’t stand a chance.” She stated with complete contempt and fearlessness.

  Enraged, he slammed her into the ground violently, picked her up and demanded again. Already bloody Etria looked the assassin in his black eyes and smiled.

  “No!” She answered defiantly.

  Gramps made his way over to Lucian without drawing attention to the two of them. He grabbed his hand and looked into his grandson’s eyes.

  “Throughout my life, in all my victories, in all my accomplishments, my proudest moments have been the ones in which I looked upon you. It has been my great honor to have fought alongside you in battle, but my greatest privilege has been in calling you my grandson.”

  He put his hand on the back of Lucian’s neck and put his forehead against his grandson’s.

  “I love you son. Never forget that.”

  Gramps yanked at the chain hanging around his neck and slid what looked like a black glass triangle off of it.

  “Should you choose to use this, do so knowing that I am so very sorry for the pain it will bring you. Forgive me grandson.”

  He handed the odd piece to Lucian who immediately noticed its heavy weight. As soon as it touched his hand the blackness faded and a brilliant blue light began swirling violently inside of its glass chamber, as though it were trying desperately to break out.

  “It is your soul conscious. Within is who you truly are. If you choose to use it, break the glass, free it from its binding, and it will rejoin itself with you. Your true form along with all your knowledge of battle, of home…of Kara will be returned to you. Be warned my son, it will cause you the most tremendous pain. Should you choose to use it and should you survive, defeat your brothers, defeat your father, save our people and the Ishra, and save Kara. Become who you were meant to be. Protect what you love…at all cost.”

  Seeing the terrified and confused look in his grandson’s eyes, he stood and turned all focus to Rek, who was picking Etria back up after another brutal pounding into the ground and in a voice rivaling that of the assassin’s, demanded.

  “Put her down!”

  Rek turned his head towards Gramps and, seeing only an old man, gave him no second thought.

  “Tell me where my brother is!” Rek screamed, squeezing Etria’s throat even harder.

  “RRREK!” Gramps voice boomed again. “PUT HER DOWN!”

  The assassin looked once more at the old man and this time, seeing a bright light blaze forth from his eyes and mouth, gave his full attention.

  Rek’s grip loosened and Etria crashed to the ground gasping for air. Gramps had quickly grown to seven and a half feet in height. His whole body expanded with muscle and he now resembled the figure which had crashed down just moments earlier, only bigger. He now had the assassin’s attention. Lucian looked upon the being he had known his whole life as his big, burly, human grandfather and now saw a massive being who he thought resembled depictions of Zeus.

  His skin had turned the same ghostly and pale blue and his face became adorned with three, red war paint like stripes, crossing diagonally.

  His true form! Lucian thought to himself.

  Gramps let out a roar as the transformation completed and then spoke.

  “You should not have come here traitor!”

  “Grandfather.” Rek uttered with disdain.

  “If you’re here, my brother must be close.” He reasoned as he approached Gramps.

  “You and your father and brother have brought much pain and dishonor to our people and our family. You have defiled our name. I have but one grandson. You are no longer family to me. Leave now or I will not hesitate to kill you.” Gramps informed.

  “You and the Ishra…how did you change your forms like that? That could be very useful in my line of work.” Rek inquired, completely ignoring the warning from his grandfather.

  “If you do not leave now Rek…you will not leave at all.” Gramps warned again.

  “You’ve been far from battle for some time old one. I have no fear of you.” Rek stated as he circled Gramp’s, sizing him up looking for the best angle of attack. The powerful blow Gramp’s threw at Rek’s chest was lightening fast and sent his opponent crashing through the parking lot, smashing back first through glass, steel, and concrete, again causing a huge cloud of dirt and debris to fill the air. He then turned to Etria and helped her to her feet.

  “Go, get him out of here!” He told her.

  “Yes sir.” She replied.

  Etria made her way to Lucian and as she helped him to his feet their attention diverted to the piercing sound coming from the parking lot. Their eyes widened as the massive spear emerged from the dust cloud. Gramps turned his attention to the parking lot to see what had captured their focus and as though it were meant to be, the spear slamme
d into his chest with cannon like force. Blood shot from his mouth and Gramps fell to his knees.

  Chapter 12

  “No!” Lucian screamed in agonizing denial of what he had just witnessed as Etria tried to pull him away. The only family he had ever known. The man who raised him, who taught and cared for him, who protected him…was now dead.

  A second later he felt an incredible surge of pain. Without realizing it and without hesitation, Lucian crushed the glass pendant and shards tore into the flesh of his hand. It was not the glass that caused the pain however. The brilliant blue light, his soul conscious, filled every wound as it rushed to once again become a part of its true owner.

  He screamed in the purest agony. Memories of war, the scars of battle, and the pain of what had just happened flooded his body and brain all at once. But, the pain he felt of losing Kara and in turn, the pain she felt of losing him proved too much. His veins pulsed and burned, his heart pierced by the feeling of a thousand daggers, and his brain felt ravaged and ripped apart, piece by piece. Tears of blood quickly streamed down his face and the guttural screams that erupted sounded like the culmination of all the pain time had ever known. His body convulsed violently before he collapsed and lied motionless.

  Rek saw what had happened and figured this must be his brother. His form must have somehow changed the way the others did and only his brother would react that way to the fall of their grandfather. He saw this as his chance. He pulled the spear from the old man’s chest and as he did, it transformed into a great battle axe. He walked slowly over to Lucian’s motionless body and with a smirk on his lips uttered,


  Rek raised the battle axe above his head, preparing to fall it and end his brother once and for all.

  WUMPH!!! Rek felt a searing pain across his back sending him crashing down to one knee, dropping his weapon in the process. CRRRACKK!!! He then felt the same pain shoot across the back of his skull, causing him to stumble further. He turned his head to see where the blows had originated and much to his surprise saw only a small human girl. Alina had made her way back to her friend and seeing what was about to happen, grabbed the microphone stand from the stage and used it quite effectively against the hulking assassin. Rek was furious. He grabbed his weapon, changing it into a long knife and snatched the young girl by her graduation robes. He raised her to his eye level.

  “You sniveling little insect! How dare you?” Rek inquired.

  He spoke through gnashed teeth as he raised the knife back. He quickly swung forward to end the fearless girl when suddenly his arm was grabbed tightly, stopping the death blow cold. A smile stretched across Alina’s face and Rek tilted his head at her, looking confused.

  “He’s very protective of his friends.” She stated calmly.

  With that, Rek turned his head to see who had grabbed him. There, standing behind him with a look of hate filled rage, swollen with muscle, and staring at him through royal blue eyes adorned with red, blood tear war paint was Ryaal. Rek dropped the girl instantly and swung a vicious punch at his brother. Ryaal caught it with little effort and with a devastating kick to the chest, sent his brother smashing through the large valley oak that decorated the front of his school. The tree exploded sending wooden shrapnel in every direction. Ryaal bent down to help his friend on her feet.

  “I’m o.k.” She yelled at him. “Go kick that guy’s ass.”

  Rek staggered to his feet and sprinted towards his brother. Ryaal stopped the speeding assassin with a smashing fist to the face that sent him sailing backward yet again. All the rage that had been contained inside him was beginning to trickle out. He began to approach his evil brother who was just getting back to his feet. The look that commanded Ryaal’s chiseled features was one of overwhelming pain and perfect hate. Rek swung another punch which was again caught by Ryaal. With a quick and powerful uppercut to his brother’s arm, he smashed every bone rendering the limb useless. He followed that with another crashing fist to his evil brother’s face, this one ripping the skin and leaving him bleeding profusely.

  “You killed my mother!”

  Ryaal grabbed his brother by the throat and threw him into the graduation stage causing it to come crashing down all around him. In an instant he was standing over Rek and again picked him up by the throat.

  “You killed my Grandmother!”

  He slammed him violently into the ground causing a splash of blood to leap into the air as though it were excited to be part of the carnage.

  “You killed my Grandfather!”

  He yelled again as he smashed his knee into Rek’s now unrecognizable face. Ryaal had become consumed with anger and possessed by rage. Rek was beaten and broken. He managed to sit himself up on his knees and began to beg.

  “Please brother, show mercy.”

  All the bravado, all the grim determination the assassin exhibited only moments ago quickly faded. He trembled before his legendary brother. He had forgotten what Ryaal was capable of.

  Ryaal picked up his brother’s weapon, still in the form of the long knife, and knelt beside him.

  “Tell me brother…did you show her mercy?” Rek knew what his brother meant and he began to tremble even more. The look in his eyes was of both fear and regret. Ryaal grabbed his brother’s face and tilted his head towards the sky. He raised the knife to his brother’s neck.

  “Please broth…”

  Rek had begun to beg one last time but the slow, steady entry of the long blade into his throat cut his words short. After a moment of gurgling and gasping for air, Rek was no more. Ryaal stood as Etria and Alina approached him.

  “Ryaal?” Etria began but was interrupted by the glow of Rek’s body.

  “What’s happening?” Alina asked in a hushed tone.

  “When Akirian’s die, their bodies turn to a marble like stone. They are then to be placed in the Hall of the Fallen so as to provide inspiration for future warriors. However…”

  Etria started to explain and then saw the weapon in Ryaal’s grasp slowly change into a mighty war hammer.

  “I do not think Rek will be making it there.” She finished.

  With that Ryaal brought the hammer down on his brother’s death statue, shattering it to dust.

  “I don’t understand?” Alina said.

  “What is it?” Etria asked

  “If his brother turned, why hasn’t his grandfather?”

  Hearing that, Ryaal’s head snapped quickly in his grandfather’s direction and in a heartbeat he was at his side.

  “Grandfather!” Ryaal grabbed firmly onto the old man’s hand.

  “Hello grandson.” He smiled. “It has been so long since I’ve seen your true form. I am…” Gramps spoke, but his words were soon interrupted by blood soaked coughs.

  “I do not have much longer my son and I must give you something.” He informed.

  He put his hand on the back of Ryaal’s neck and pulled him close as if to tell him a secret. He placed his forehead against his grandson’s and as he did, a stream of light shot forth from his eyes into Ryaal’s. After a moment the light subsided and Gramps spoke.

  “My son, what I’ve just given you is the knowledge of forms. It is how I changed our Akirian selves into human form. Use it to aid you and know that I will be with you always.”

  He smiled at his grandson one last time with that warm familiar smile and then he too turned to the magnificent marble like stone. Ryaal stood the statue upright and gazed upon it with pride and honor.

  The next few moments were spent in silence until the sound of crashing metal was heard. The three turned to face the commotion and Etria quickly realized that Connor was emerging from the pile of chairs he was under. She rushed over to help and when he stood from the pile she looked at him with a look that can only be described as confused wanting.

  “You tried to save me.” She said, smiling at the handsome and bruised young human.

  “With no regard for yourself, you tried to
save me.” She continued.

  “Yeah, well it was no big deal.” He replied as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “Etria!” Ryaal called out.

  “Yes Ryaal.” She replied without either of them taking their gaze off one another.

  “How do I get home?” He asked.

  “There is a place not far from here, about a day’s travel. It’s how your grandfather got you here.”

  “Then we should get going.” He ordered.

  “What the hell just happened?” Connor asked Etria as the two made their way through the rubble of metal chairs.

  “What the hell was that thing? Where’s Luc?” Connor continued questioning as his head raised and he saw Alina standing next to a different, large hulking alien.

  “Ahhh! There’s another one, get it!” Connor shouted as he slipped and fell onto more chairs trying to get away from the massive being.

  “Connor!” Etria interrupted.

  “Run Al, get away from it! Sweet Jesus, we’re all gonna die.” Connor shouted as he scrambled through the pile of chairs, completely ignoring Etria.

  “Connor!” She shouted even louder, this time getting his attention before explaining to him in a quieter voice.

  “That is Ryaal. You know him as Lucian. We can explain later. Right now, we need to get out of here.” Connor looked at Etria, then Ryaal, then Alina, who was standing calmly next to Ryaal looking at Connor like he was some sort of idiot and shaking her head.

  “Look at him Con.” She instructed.

  Connor approached the massive warrior slowly before getting close enough to look him in the eyes. When he did, he saw it. The same eyes he’s seen every day since he first met his best friend. Connor let out a large sigh of relief.

  “Jesus man. That’s some growth spurt.” Connor added.

  “We must go, now.” Etria took charge and led the group away from the area.

  Chapter 13

  As they arrived back at the home he shared with his grandfather, Ryaal asked Etria to explain to his two friends what was going on. As she sat them down and started to explain, Ryaal began to walk around the home he once shared with his grandfather.

  Now in his true form, it all looked different and smaller. From the kitchen, he looked out the window into the yard where he used to stare at the stars with Gramps. He noticed the flowers in the garden beginning to wilt, as though they too knew the old man would never return to tend to them. He missed his grandfather. Though he had only fallen within the hour, he felt the loss far heavier. Not in the way his people would normally feel towards loss, but something different. It seemed that the life he lived as a human was now very much a part of his Akirian being. All the memories of his friends, school, what he’d learned, the music he listened to, the books he read, and his grandfather were still very much a part of him. Human emotion was now a part of him and every pain would now visit him twofold.