Aeternum Page 4
Lucian sat in silence for a moment, not knowing how to process all he was being told. He stared out into the yard at the spot where he and his grandfather used to stare up at the stars and something occurred to him.
“When I was a boy and we used to lay out here staring at the stars, the stories you use to tell me…” Lucian began.
“They were your stories my son. Not fables or fiction, but the stories of your life before we came here. I have always felt a heavy burden for bringing you here, so far from home, and I thought those stories might bring us both some sort of comfort.” Gramps revealed.
Lucian sat quietly for a few moments contemplating all he had been told and trying to mentally sift through all the questions racing through his mind, before choosing one.
“Why would my father do such things?” He asked turning his gaze towards Gramps.
“Since your father was young, he could not wait for the day he would take over as leader of our people. In our society the King is chosen by way of his accomplishments in battle, not bloodline. As he grew he became our greatest General. Driven and merciless he stood far apart from all other warriors. In time, he had three sons, Ryaal, Rek, and Gryn. The three of you were very close in your younger years and excelled in your battle training. To watch you and your brothers growing up together was like witnessing the definition of friendship and brotherhood firsthand. There was nothing the three of you wouldn’t do for one another. When it came time for you to fight along with our armies you all rose through the ranks exceedingly fast and as your father had done for much of his life, you set yourself far apart from the others.
You in particular had become idol to many. While your father was driven, you were fearless. While he showed no mercy to his enemies, you showed great intelligence and restraint, two characteristics that define great leaders. His accomplishments were quickly surpassed by your own. Though he fought massive armies and won, you had defeated armies just as large without so much as raising your weapon. You defeated your enemy with words and your father saw, that in much the same way, you would change the course of our people for the better. He felt as though change was unnecessary and believed our people were meant to rule. Your name echoed throughout the stars, where his did not. He knew that you would become King before him and that his plans would never come to fruition.”
“What about this Kara? If she was so important to me, why do I remember nothing of her?” Lucian inquired further.
“On the contrary son, you do.” Gramps continued.
“You’ve not seen her face for some time but you always feel her. Though I tried, for your own sake, I could not take that completely out of you. The terrible sadness you carry within you…that is for her, my son. The emptiness you feel day in and day out is the spot she once filled in you. Your existence has become unified with hers. You are broken my son, and without her, I’m afraid that will always be so. Your love for her is unfathomable and would be the most dangerous part of returning your soul conscious to you.”
Lucian sat in silence, again attempting to understand what he was being told or at least find something he could argue that would prove this whole thing was as unreal as it sounded.
“You said something before, about a soul conscious. What is that?” He questioned further.
“Every battle you’ve ever fought, everything you have ever learned, everything you have ever felt, all the knowledge you have ever possessed and all that you are is held within your soul conscious. Everything Kara has ever felt and learned is in your soul conscious as it is in hers. I cannot stress to you how painful putting it back would be. It is one thing to deal with the pains of war, as battle scars can heal over time. However, the pain that the two of you have endured by being torn apart, the pain she feels everyday as prisoner, the pain of not knowing if you are alive or dead or if she will ever see you again is unimaginable.” Gramps explained
Upon hearing these last words, Lucian sat upright and as though feeling something, he inquired more of Kara.
Gramps smiled and continued. “She is unique, even for her people. She was to be High Queen of the Ishra people and would one day become solely responsible for the safeguarding of all knowledge throughout the universe. As such, it would become her duty to continue universal growth through the sharing of that knowledge. Her race is of exquisite beauty and Kara stands apart from her own kind. She is one of the few Ishra whose appearance changes based on her feelings. They are tall, though not as tall as us, about a foot shorter. Their hair is long and flows like star dust. Their skin is of a very light violet and silken to the touch. It is quite easy to see how you fell for Kara as hard as you did.” Gramps said with a smile reminiscent of how happy his grandson once was.
“Etria tells me of how she is now kept in a tower high above our city so that both races can see her, so that both races can feel her sadness. She tells me Kara has turned as black as the darkest night due to the deep despair of all that has happened. She is devastated my son and though I care for her a great deal because of the happiness she has brought you, I do not want you to return home.” Gramps said with a look now resembling great worry.
“Why does Etria come now?” Lucian asked.
“Etria is also an Ishra. She too has changed her appearance upon arriving here. Because of the bond with your Eternal, you may have felt a familiarity the first time you saw her. Her knowledge is primarily that of different systems and how to travel between them. While Ishra are all of the highest intelligence, each individual specializes in only a few of the greater knowledges. Very few are capable of possessing the particular knowledge she has. Used improperly, that knowledge could have devastating effects throughout worlds both known and unknown. Your father, for instance, could move an entire army across the universe in seconds. Etria is the one who showed me how to get you here.” He informed.
“She helped me save you and she is sister to Kara. She told me she helped me because Kara would have wanted her to. She said Kara would rather spend a lifetime in sadness and pain then to see any harm befall you. Etria’s plan was to get you and I and Kara here, to this world, safely. When they captured Kara, Etria chose to stay behind and do all she could to rescue her sister and bring her here, to you. Etria has only seen her sister from afar, locked in the tower and has been unable to tell her that you still live. If she is here now, it is out of desperation. She must have exhausted all possible options in gathering people to fight your father and free her sister. What this means is that your father will soon declare war on the Ishra and will demand that they comply with his command to start moving his armies throughout the worlds both known and unknown. If this happens he will take over all systems in the universe, including this one, with no contest. He would then no longer have use for Kara and he would kill her”.
A pain shot through Lucian’s chest and he felt as though his mind was cluttered and couldn’t think clearly.
Maybe they’re telling the truth. He thought to himself.
Gramps saw how jarred Lucian was.
“Hey kiddo, it’s a lot to take in in one night, I know, but you have a big day tomorrow.” He said, referring to Lucian’s graduation.
“Why don’t you go get some sleep, we can talk more tomorrow.” Gramps instructed and Lucian nodded in agreement and headed off towards the house.
That night Lucian lay in bed running all the information he had been given that day through his head, trying to make sense of it.
Were they telling the truth? Did Etria somehow drug Gramps? Were they both crazy? If they are telling the truth, what am I supposed to do now? His head swirled with thoughts as his eyes grew heavier and heavier until finally the day’s events took their toll and he fell asleep.
Chapter 9
Lucian awoke the next morning with his head feeling heavy. Was it all a dream? He thought to himself. It had to be. He made his way downstairs where he could smell the big breakfast Gramps was cooking up. The wafting scent of bacon and eggs, pancakes, and fres
h squeezed orange juice brought a sense of calm to him. I must have been dreaming. He rounded the last step heading into the kitchen and saw Gramps at the stove who greeted him with that warm familiar smile. Then he saw Connor and Alina sitting at the table talking with Etria. An icy blast shot through his body as he realized he hadn’t dreamt anything.
“I took the liberty of introducing your cousin to your friends.” Gramps said, informing Lucian of the cover story he had used to hide who she really was…who he really was.
“You ready for our big day?” Alina asked.
“Why didn’t you tell us that your beautiful cousin was in town for graduation, or that she was British, or that she was so beautiful?” Connor interrupted with a barrage of questions, all the while never taking his eyes off the beautiful guest.
Oh! I’ll tell you why, because she’s a super intelligent alien. Lucian thought to himself.
“Slipped my mind I guess.” He decided to go with.
“Connor has told us he’s been accepted to that school in England.” Gramps said in an attempt to change the subject.
“That’s quite impressive.” Etria added. Her smile tinged with sarcasm only Lucian picked up on.
He shot a glance at Etria letting her know he hadn’t forgotten what she said about his friend not being as smart as he thought he was.
“It is and I’m very proud of him.” Lucian said in a way meant to remind Etria how protective he was of his friends. Her smile quickly faded.
“Awww, big guy!” Connor’s voice interrupted the unnoticed tension between the two.
“We should get going.” Lucian said as he folded some eggs and bacon into a pancake. “We have a rehearsal this morning and Connor hasn’t finished his speech yet.”
“How’d you know I didn’t finish it?” Connor asked surprised.
“Because I know you, let’s go.” Lucian answered.
The three headed out the door towards school.
“Lucian!” Gramps had called out to him. “May I speak with you for a minute?”
Lucian told his friends to go on without him, he would catch up.
“What’s up Gramps?” Lucian asked.
“I don’t want to keep you too long, I just wanted to tell you…”
Gramps put his hand on Lucian’s shoulder and gave a light squeeze.
“I am very proud of you son.”
“Thanks Gramps.” Lucian replied with a smile.
“That’s it. I just wanted you to know that. Now get outta here.” Gramps said with a smile. Lucian turned to walk away but stopped after the first step. He turned and gave his grandfather a hug.
“Thank you…for everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Lucian said. His grandfather squeezed him a bit tighter.
“Wait.” Etria spoke up and looked at Gramps.
“Do you really think it wise for him to go off to some trivial human ceremony when there are larger issues at hand?’ She asked with a hint of frustration in her voice.
“Who do you think you are?” Lucian quipped back, angry at her cast off of his graduation day and what it meant to him and his friends.
“You show up here with some crazy story and just expect me to bite. You insult my friends, you attack me, but because you somehow know my grandfather I’m just supposed to buy in to whatever you tell me. You know what the truth is? You can’t prove any of the nonsense you’ve told me, either of you. I don’t know you. And if this Kara’s a real person, I don’t know her either so why should I give a damn about anything you say. What I do know is my grandfather and my friends. No one else matters to me. Not you, not Kara, and not a bunch of pissy aliens. Unless you can prove something to me, stay the hell away from me and my friends or I’ll finish what we started in the field.”
Lucian turned to his grandfather and spoke only with an angry and disappointed stare before storming out of the house.
A few minutes later he had caught up with his friends a short distance down the road they normally travelled. They could tell something was upsetting him.
“What’s wrong Luc?” Alina asked.
He thought immediately of telling his friends all he had been told in the last day, but decided not to burden them with crazy.
“Nothin’ Al. Just family crap.” He answered.
“Speaking of family…” Connor interrupted “…how long will your lovely cousin be staying with you?”
Lucian looked at Connor, “Hopefully not long.” He answered with a smile. It went against how he really felt, but this was their big day and he didn’t want his issues to ruin it for his friends. They continued on their way to school, joking, laughing, simply enjoying one another, as was often their way.
Chapter 10
The sunlight warmed his face as Lucian watched a light breeze sweep through the large oak in front of the school. Lost in the thoughts of all he was told the night before, he paid no attention to the growing crowd of students in graduation robes or the proud parents taking their seats among the rows of metal folding chairs facing the large outdoor stage.
“Hey.” Connor’s voice derailed his train of thought and Lucian turned to see what he wanted.
“Can you help me with this?” Connor asked holding a small stack of index cards.
“Don’t worry so much man. I’m sure it’ll be the best valedictorian speech anyone’s ever heard. Or it will go horribly wrong, you’ll like an idiot, and me and Al will have to find a new friend.” Lucian offered, attempting to lighten his friends stressed mood.
Connor laughed out loud. Feeling a bit relieved, he put his arm around his large friend as they walked towards the stage.
“Can you believe it? It’s finally here.” Connor said with a proud smile on his face.
“Yeah man, it’s pretty great.” Lucian returned not really caring about the ceremony.
“Alright big guy, what’s wrong?” Connor asked.
“Nothin’ man…I’m good.” Lucian assured.
“I’ve known you for how long now? Ten years? I know when my brother’s got somethin’ on his mind.” Connor stated.
Lucian looked at him silently for a couple of seconds, wanting to share with his best friend the information he had just learned the night before.
“It…doesn’t feel right.” Lucian said.
“What doesn’t feel right?” Connor asked, looking his friend in the eyes with a bit of concern.
“Something feels…off.” He said looking around. “I got a weird feeling.”
“Aw I know what that is man. You’re nervous.” Connor offered.
“It’s a big day for us. And we have to stand in front of all these people. At least you don’t have to give a speech.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Lucian said with a less than genuine smile and then saw his grandfather walking in from the parking lot.
“Hey I’ll be right back man. I gotta talk to Gramps.” Lucian told his friend.
“Alright man, I’ll see ya up there.” Connor replied, nodding his head towards the stage.
Lucian made his way over to his grandfather and could see Etria waiting in the parking lot.
“There he is.” Gramps spoke up.
“Hey Gramps.” Lucian returned.
“Listen, I just want to apologize for losing my temper this morning, it’s just…”
Gramps interrupted Lucian’s apology by putting his hand on his grandson’s shoulder.
“There is no need to apologize my son. I know it seemed to come out of nowhere, but she is telling the truth and I hope you know that I would never lie to you. Everything you have been told is true and no matter what you choose to do, no matter how insane or impossible it may be, know that I will be with you every step of the way.”
Gramps’ words brought an incredible peace to Lucian, who smiled in return.
“Showtime kid, off ya go.” Gramps instructed.
Lucian headed on stage and upon taking his seat, scanned the crowd for his grandfather. There he was, back row center seat with that warm familiar smile beaming bigger than ever, one which was instinctively returned by Lucian. The ceremony started and the Principle began to speak of potential, the future, and the best and brightest, as was often the rhetoric at high school graduations. He began calling each student to receive their diploma when Lucian noticed Etria making her way to his Grandfather with an overly concerned look on her face. She bent down and spoke in his ear. The proud smile on his face quickly changed to one matching Etria’s as he stood and walked far behind the crowd towards the parking lot.
The crowd applauded as it was his turn to receive his diploma. Lucian stood and, instead of turning right to approach his Principal, he turned left and walked off stage to see what the immediacy was with Etria and his grandfather.
The principle offered in an attempt to break the awkward situation. The crowd returned a laugh and the ceremony continued.
“What’s happening?” Lucian asked as he approached the two. His grandfather looked at him with great concern.
“Etria has informed me that the portal she had taken to come here has again been opened.” Gramps informed.
Lucian looked at Etria who, with a great look of concern all her own, told Lucian.
“I believe it is your brother…Rek.” She continued.
“Back on Theros your father had your brothers and a few of his most loyal warriors follow certain members of the Ishra. Because of my relation to Kara and my specific knowledge, I was followed by your brother Rek. I was certain that he was not following me when I came here. Lucian, I am so sorry.” Etria apologized with the greatest sincerity.
“What’s the big deal?” Lucian shrugged as he removed his graduation robes. “He’s my brother, why can’t I just talk to him?”
His grandfather responded. “Your brother, the one who may be here, is an Akirian assassin. Right now you have no memory of him, but when he arrives somewhere it is only to kill his target. He has no reason to talk and he has never failed. Lucian I believe your father sent him here to find and kill you.” Gramps turned his attention towards Etria.